
Posts Tagged ‘MRSA’

So, in keeping with yesterday’s theme, let’s talk organic.  I am a big advocate for consuming organic meat and dairy after seeing the award-winning The Meatrix movies.

Today, most eggs, meat and dairy come from factory farms, also known as confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).  Most animals never get to experience sunlight and fresh air, and many cannot even move around in their cages because there are so many animals crunched in together.  This creates the perfect stage for disease, so animals are fed antibiotics regularly.  This creates disease-resistance bacteria, like MRSA, and is a public health crisis waiting to happen.
Cows are also given rBGH, recombinant bovine growth hormone, to make the cows bigger and allow them to produce more milk as well.  The hormone is banned in both Canada and the European Union.  It is believed that this could be why young girls are developing at early ages.  I can speak from personal experience and say that I had a friend who was a vegetarian for eight years before she began to eat meat again.  After several months of her return to the life of am omnivore, we both witnessed her…..ahem, growth.  Most 20something year old women are beyond such growth, and we attributed her bust increase to her meat consumption.  

Learn more about sustainable food choices by visiting Sustainable Table.
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